Product Ace is a collective group of experts in the USA and Far East who have been collectively operating in the product sourcing and Development of products since 1986.
Not-withstanding changes to the marketplace our expertise in the fields of cosmetic & package Cosmetic, Packaging Material, Promotional Gifts, Digital Products, Electronic Products, Pet Products, Apparel Products, Furniture, Housewares, Outdoor & Gym Products, and many other categories, has gone unchallenged vs. any other sourcing company. “Product Ace” takes pride in our staff and expertise, and “Product Ace” takes pride in you, the customer. Our factory list today consists of long term relationships, not just a click from the web. This is the key in getting things done!.


We tackle your most urgent priorities and to meet your short- and long-term objectives as we offer three different types of plans to suit your needs and the needs of those around you. Our prices start at NO COST so surely we are affordable and ready to help you! Need us to oversee your current production? Whether your staff is here or not we have many ways to help you!


Add:Unit04,7/F,brightway tower,no.33 mongkok road,Kowloon,HongKong
Tel: +852-27935511
Fax: +852-35902333
Name: Steven Chu